The importation process of car oils from international sources is handled with meticulous care to ensure the highest quality and performance of the oils
. We meticulously select top global suppliers and ensure that the products meet the highest quality standards. The oils are stored and shipped with utmost care to ensure they reach our valued customers in excellent condition.
We have been working for more than seven years in the field of oils. We have adopted Japanese ALpha’s Oils & coolant japanes product in this field because they are of very high quality and efficiency and within international specifications.
car coolant
technical specifications:
PDS-SP 0W16-8100 PDS-SP0W20-8094 PDS- SP5W20-8093 PDSSP5W30-8092 PDS-SP5W40-8095 PDS-SP10W30-8091 PDS-SP10W40-8098 PDS-ATF-7924 PDS-CVTF-7925